Quiz Results

Quiz Results
College Board Quiz Results: 3/3

I got all three questions correct. The were mostly easy, though the second one was a bit confusing because the video did not directly cover it (more on that later).

Question 1

Question 1

This question was quite simple, as this knowledge was reinforced quite a bit throughout the video. Information is broken down into packets before being sent, in any order, to the recipient.

Question 2

Question 2

This was the tricky question: what is an “open” protocol? Protocols are discussed extensively throughout the video, but because of that one stray word, I wasn’t sure how to respond.

I looked to the process of elimination. Option A sounded more like the function of metadata, not protocols. (It turns out Option A is incorrect because Internet routing is dynamic, not pre-planned, which wasn’t covered in the videos.)

Option B didn’t seem correct because no part of the video discussed the internet encrypting or securing Internet communication. (Turns out this reasoning was basically correct: protocols do not ensure security.)

Option C was obviously wrong. Bandwidth is an individual quirk of one’s internet provider, and thus cannot be equal for all internet users. Protocols also didn’t seem to have much to do with the function of protocols, so it seemed irrelevant to the question.

I went with Option D because I know that protocols are intended to be standardized between devices. This is why there are authorities like the IETF that ensure standardization of protocols.

Question 3

Question 3

This one was about as easy as the first. The World Wide Web is a system of linked files, pages, etc., not a website or a protocol. The Internet is not a data stream, but rather a network of other interconnected networks. This was quite clearly expressed in the video.