Lists and Dictionaries Pair Programming
See Devon's side for the `while` loop, he has incorporated it into a game.
For the below loop, I have chosen to use the same visual formatting for the output loop as in the Lists and Dictionaries page from this week, but the included info has been altered as well as how it is collected and certain possible variations of how it can be output.
affirmative = ['yes', 'Yes', 'yeah', 'Yeah', 'yup', 'Yup', 'y', 'Y', 'yea', 'Yea', 'mhm', 'Mhm', 'yep', 'Yep', 'Affirmative,' 'affirmative', 'sure', 'Sure', 'alright', 'Alright', 'okay', 'Okay', 'OK', 'ok', 'Ok']
negative = ['No', 'no', 'Nope', 'nope', 'N', 'n', 'Nah', 'nah', 'nuh-uh', 'Nuh-uh', 'negative', 'Negative']
InfoDb = []
def print_data(d_rec):
print(d_rec["FirstName"], d_rec["LastName"])
print("\t", "Place of Birth:", d_rec["POB"])
print("\t", "Favorite Color:", d_rec["Favorite Color"])
print("\t", "Favorite Food:", d_rec["Favorite Food"])
print("\t", "Pets: ", end="")
print(", ".join(d_rec["Pets"]))
def back_print_data(d_rec):
print(d_rec["LastName"], d_rec["FirstName"])
print("\t", "Pets: ", end="")
print(", ".join(d_rec["Pets"]))
print("\t", "Favorite Food:", d_rec["Favorite Food"])
print("\t", "Favorite Color:", d_rec["Favorite Color"])
print("\t", "Place of Birth:", d_rec["POB"])
def recursive_loop(i):
if i < len(InfoDb):
record = InfoDb[i]
recursive_loop(i + 1)
def back_recursive_loop(i):
if i < len(InfoDb):
record = InfoDb[i]
back_recursive_loop(i + 1)
def infograb():
print("Excellent. Let's get started.\nWhat is your legal first name?")
fname1 = input()
global infname
infname = fname1.capitalize()
print("Understood. Thank you, " + infname + ".\nWhat is your legal last name?")
lname1 = input()
global inlname
inlname = lname1.capitalize()
print("Understood. Your full name is " + infname, inlname + ".\nNow, please tell us: in what city were you born?")
global inpob
inpob = input()
print("Understood. You were born in " + inpob + ".\nWhat is your favorite color?")
global infcolor
infcolor = input()
print("Understood. Your favorite color is " + infcolor + ".\nWhat is your favorite food?")
global inffood
inffood = input()
print("Understood. Your favorite food is " + inffood + ". Now, please name the species of pets you have.\n(Write them all in one input with spaces separating them.)\n(If you do not have a pet, simply say 'None' or 'N/A'.")
pet_inp = input()
global pet_list
pet_list = pet_inp.split()
print("Understood. That concludes the survey.")
"FirstName": infname,
"LastName": inlname,
"POB": inpob,
"Favorite Color": infcolor,
"Favorite Food": inffood,
"Pets": pet_list
"FirstName": "Drew",
"LastName": "Reed",
"POB": "San Diego",
"Favorite Color": "Purple",
"Favorite Food": "Sushi",
"Pets": ["Cat", "Dog"]
print("Welcome to the Information Database! We will keep your info safe.\nWould you like to provide your information to us?")
consent = input()
if consent in affirmative:
print("Would you like to print the current log of information?")
consent3 = input()
if consent3 in affirmative:
print("Thank you for provding your data.\nWould you like to print this data backward?")
consent5 = input()
if consent5 in affirmative:
print("I am tired. This concludes the program. Gracias.")
elif consent5 in negative:
print("Understood. Have a nice day.")
print("Your response confuses me. Thank you for your interaction.")
elif consent3 in negative:
print("That is alright. Thank you for your data.")
print("Your response confuses me. Try again later.")
elif consent in negative:
print("That is alright. Would you like to print the current log of information?")
consent2 = input()
if consent2 in affirmative:
print("Thank you for interacting with the program.\nWould you like to print this data backward?")
consent4 = input()
if consent4 in affirmative:
print("I am tired. This concludes the program. Gracias.")
elif consent2 in negative:
print("Understood. Have a nice day.")
print("Your response confuses me. Try again later.")
print("Your response confuses me. Try again later.")
Making use of a recursive loop and user inputs, this program allows you to give your own information to be printed in the initial InfoDb format.
A hack from one relevant page asks to print the data backward, so if you want, the program can do that to.