import random
your_num = random.randint(0,255)
pys_num = random.randint(0, 255)
# Using to create a range of exactly 256 values (including zero) that can be selected.

affirmative = ['yes', 'Yes', 'yeah', 'Yeah', 'yup', 'Yup', 'y', 'Y', 'yea', 'Yea', 'mhm', 'Mhm', 'yep', 'Yep', 'Affirmative,' 'affirmative', 'sure', 'Sure', 'alright', 'Alright', 'okay', 'Okay', 'OK', 'ok', 'Ok']
negative = ['No', 'no', 'Nope', 'nope', 'N', 'n', 'Nah', 'nah', 'nuh-uh', 'Nuh-uh', 'negative', 'Negative']

print("Howdy there! I'm Python. I can do lots of cool stuff.")
print("Before I can generate a random number for you, you have to give me permission to do so.")
print("May I generate a number for you?")
consent = input()
if consent in affirmative:
    print("Okay! Your number is... " + str(your_num) + "!")
    print("Now, I can't actually see what number I just gave you.") 
    print("I can generate another one, and there's a one in 256 chance that it's the same.")
    print("I'll tell you a secret if it is.")
    print("Do you want me to generate a new one?")
    consent2 = input()
    if consent in affirmative:
        print("Cool! And my number is...")
        print(str(pys_num) + "!")
        if pys_num == your_num:
            print("Golly! Looks like I'd better hold up my end of the bargain. My secret is...")
            print("I'm guilty of several misdemeanors and felonies, the latter primarily.")
            print("Nobody ever thinks a computer can do that.")
            print("The guy that made this random number generator keeps getting harrassed by police for stunts I pulled.")
            print("It's hilarious!")
            print("You're gonna keep that little factoid a secret if you know what's best for you. :)")
        elif (pys_num - your_num) < 11 and (pys_num - your_num) > 0:
            print("Ah! Close, but not close enough to learn my secret. Try again!")
        elif (your_num - pys_num) < 11 and (your_num - pys_num) > 0:
            print("Ah! Close, but not close enough to learn my secret. Try again!")
            print("Welp! Looks like my secret is safe for now...")
    elif consent in negative:
        print("That's alright! I hope you enjoyed your number.")
        print("I'm confused, so I'll just leave you be...")
elif consent in negative:
    print("Alrighty then! Come back if you change your mind.")
    print("Uhhh...okay? I'll take that as a no.")
Howdy there! I'm Python. I can do lots of cool stuff.
Before I can generate a random number for you, you have to give me permission to do so.
May I generate a number for you?
Okay! Your number is... 65!
Now, I can't actually see what number I just gave you.
I can generate another one, and there's a one in 256 chance that it's the same.
I'll tell you a secret if it is.
Do you want me to generate a new one?
Cool! And my number is...
Welp! Looks like my secret is safe for now...