import getpass, sys
def question_with_response(prompt):
    msg = input()
    print("You said: " + msg + ".")
    return msg

questions = 5
correct = 0

print("Hello! Welcome to Drew's super awesome (slightly plagiar-inspired) Python quiz!")
print("You will be asked " + str(questions) + " questions about basic Python commands. All quiz responses should be in all lowercase letters.")
print("Before we begin, what would you like me to call you?")
bigboy = input()
print(bigboy + "? That's a cool name!")

rsp = question_with_response("1. Let's start with the simplest function of all: how can you make Python display static text?")
if rsp == "print":
    print("That's right! Let's make things more interesting.")
    correct += 1
    print("Not quite... The response we were looking for was 'print'.")

rsp = question_with_response("2. When using the 'if' function to force a unique reaction for a specific scenario, which function lets you give a different response for ALL other answers?")
if rsp == "else":
    print("Good job! Let's continue...")
    correct += 1
    print("Nope... Looks like you'll have to try something ELSE for that one.")

rsp = question_with_response("3. This three-letter function can redefine a phrase to automate certain behaviors when used. What is it?")
if rsp == "def":
    print("Great job! Two more to go.")
    correct += 1
    print("That's DEF-initely not it...")

print("Let's see how you're doing so far, " + bigboy + "...")
if correct == 3:
    print("Wow! 3/3! You're a natural. Let's get back to it.")
elif correct == 2:
    print("2/3 isn't bad, you know. Get the next two right and you'll have a solid B minus!")
elif correct == 1:
    print("1/3 isn't quite ideal, but it's better than nothing. Why not give these next two your best shot?")
    print("Really? None? ...I mean, you've got two more chances to get some points on the board...")

rsp = question_with_response("4. Which function allows the user to provide a custom response to a given prompt?")
if rsp == "input":
    print("That's right! You've been using that the whole time, FYI.")
    correct += 1
    print("Unfortunately, you seem to have INPUT an incorrect response.")

rsp = question_with_response("5. The home stretch! To display a variable, for example, in printed static text, which symbol separates the variable from the rest of the quote?")
if rsp == "+":
    print("Nailed it!")
    correct += 1
elif rsp == "plus":
    print("Nailed it!")
    correct += 1
    print("Rough conclusion...definitely not a PLUS.")

per_score = (correct / questions) * 100
print(bigboy + ", you scored " + str(correct) +"/" + str(questions) + "! That's " + str(per_score) + "%.")

if correct < 4:
    print("Too bad, though! You needed at least 4 out of 5 (80.0" + "%" + ") of the problems correct to pass. Why not reload and try again?")
elif correct == 4:
    print("One mistake is perfectly okay! You still managed to pass this quiz. Congratulations!")
    print("You managed to pass with flying colors! A perfect score! Why didn't you make this quiz, then?")

if bigboy == "Drew" and correct == 5:
    print("Whadduya mean you did make this? You're THAT Drew? What a coincidence.")
elif bigboy == "drew":
    print("Whadduya mean you did make this? You're THAT Drew? What a coincidence.")
Hello! Welcome to Drew's super awesome (slightly plagiar-inspired) Python quiz!
You will be asked 5 questions about basic Python commands. All quiz responses should be in all lowercase letters.
Before we begin, what would you like me to call you?
? That's a cool name!
1. Let's start with the simplest function of all: how can you make Python display static text?
You said: .
Not quite... The response we were looking for was 'print'.
2. When using the 'if' function to force a unique reaction for a specific scenario, which function lets you give a different response for ALL other answers?
You said: .
Nope... Looks like you'll have to try something ELSE for that one.
3. This three-letter function can redefine a phrase to automate certain behaviors when used. What is it?
You said: .
That's DEF-initely not it...
Let's see how you're doing so far, ...
Really? None? ...I mean, you've got two more chances to get some points on the board...
4. Which function allows the user to provide a custom response to a given prompt?
You said: .
Unfortunately, you seem to have INPUT an incorrect response.
5. The home stretch! To display a variable, for example, in printed static text, which symbol separates the variable from the rest of the quote?
You said: .
Rough conclusion...definitely not a PLUS.
, you scored 0/5! That's 0.0%.
Too bad, though! You needed at least 4 out of 5 (80.0%) of the problems correct to pass. Why not reload and try again?