Time Box

Unit1: Introduction to Tools and Resources

To learn Java and build skills for Career Technical Education students will quickly immerse into Tools and Resources for Java Development and Blogging. These early weeks will focus on the Development Environment, GitHub Pages Blogging platform, AP Classroom resources, and Programming Java with VSCode and Jupyter Notebooks.

Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
0 - Planning 0
- Pixel Art Canvas
- Learning to Love My Tools
- Linux Shell and Bash Notes
- Lab Notebook Week 0
1 - Planning 1
- Java Hello
- Java Console Games
- Lab Notebook Week 1
2 - Planning 2
- JS Calculator
- Classic Snake Game
- JS iTunes API
- Pokédex API
- SpongeBob Cloud Test
- Lab Notebook Week 2
3 - Planning 3
- Movies Game
- SSS Styling
- Perler Converter

Unit2: Java Mini-labs

Students have been introduced to Classes and Inheritance in Python and JavaScript. In this unit students will become more familiar with Java development and classes through mini-labs. These labs will focus on AP required aspects of Java, additionally they can be used as code to support the backend of a Desktop App or WebSite. This unit concludes with 4 person Project Plan, kicking off the end of trimester N@TM project. Students will be able to write code that completes full stack process of Frontend talking to the Java backend.

Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
4 - Planning 4
- AP FRQ Mini-Lab Project Q1
- U5 Menu Class
5 - Planning 5
- FRQ Mini-Lab Notes on Presentations
- Anatomy of Java Spring Lesson
6 - Planning 6
- Custom Survey API Pull
7 - Planning 7
- U1 Data Types Lesson Notes
- U2 Object Classes

Unit3: Individual/Team Projects and N@tM

This Units requirement is to to build individual development skills and a Team Frontend and Backend project in Java. By the end of this unit students will be aware of all the College Board Units and FRQ types. Student will participate in live grading of peers work. Fastpages Blogs and Jupyter Notebooks are required for all individuals. By the end of this section you should have examples, study materials, and code that show a great deal of effort, understanding, and competency.

Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
8 - Planning 8
- U3 Boolean and If statements
- U3 Boolean Logic
- U3 Booleans, If Statements and Binary Logic Hacks
- U4 Iteration Notes
- Usr Database Connection Test
9 - Planning 9
- Djikstra Algorithm
- Javascript Object Oriented Programming
- U5 Classes Notes
- U6 Arrays Notes
10 - Planning 10
- U8 2D Arrays
- 9.2 and 9.3 Lesson Content
- U7 ArrayLists
- Test for Object Used for Canvas History
11 - Planning 11
- Planning 11
- College Board Tri 1 Test Reflection
- Trimester 1 Reflection
- Student Scores Tri 1

Unit4: College Board Teaching and Study

This period will complete formal teaching and grading on the basics of the 10 units. Also, there will be a tech talk and homework on each FRQ type customized for Team PBL idea.

Week Plans Hacks Tangibles

Unit5: Passion Projects

Objective of these weeks is to explore and create ideas and concepts for a Team two trimester project. Adding frontend and creativity while using APIs/Databases. This should be a project of personal and team interest. Team projects that are most liked by Teachers and Students will be continued in Trimester 3.

Week Plans Hacks Tangibles


Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
0 - Planning 0
- Pixel Art Canvas
- Learning to Love My Tools
- Linux Shell and Bash Notes
- Lab Notebook Week 0


Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
0 - Planning 0
- Pixel Art Canvas
- Learning to Love My Tools
- Linux Shell and Bash Notes
- Lab Notebook Week 0


Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
0 - Planning 0
- Pixel Art Canvas
- Learning to Love My Tools
- Linux Shell and Bash Notes
- Lab Notebook Week 0


Week Plans Hacks Tangibles
0 - Planning 0
- Pixel Art Canvas
- Learning to Love My Tools
- Linux Shell and Bash Notes
- Lab Notebook Week 0