
Results: 25/25
I got 25/25.

I got 25/25. I’m not surprised, since most of the problems were questions we had already been asked in the previous quizzes. As a result, there were very few that I struggled with. That doesn’t mean that there were none that I kind of had to think about, however.

Problems I Struggled With

Here are some problems that I wasn’t able to completely understand immediately. The bar for “struggle” had to be set pretty low here so that I could provide at least some reflection.

Question 1

Problem 1
Binary jumpscare.

Unlike some of my previous reflections might imply, I was actually completely sure of my answer here. When I first read it, however, I found the range confusing. Because a range was given, it wasn’t immediately obvious that I was looking for the minimum number of bits to fit that maximum.

Once it clicked, it was obvious. It just took a bit of mental multiplication.

Question 10

Problem 10
So many similar spreadsheets.

The main reason this one created some confusion for me was that all of the spreadsheets had relevant information. However, the first two had the most specific and inclusive data, so I figured they were the best response.

Overall Reflection

There isn’t much of anything in Big Idea 2 that is giving me trouble. The main thing I think I should practice is reading large text-heavy questions that provide a lot of extra information.