Day 1*
After the anticipated frustration that always comes with the study of computer science, professional high school student Drew Reed has, in fact, made a website.
The Early Trouble
The first days
Figuring it was homework to do so, I downloaded all of the programs listed in the Tools and Setup page and saved the fastpages part for the next day. This step would be a permanent help, even after the fastpages site had to be reset.
The problem that would lead to the loss of my admittedly little progress was evident from the very beginning: that Thurday, even after following all the steps listed in the first pull request, I had either forgotten to resolve the request or something had prevented me from doing so. Either way, by the next day, it seemed that there was no way to resolve the request, causing my website to look far less professional than other students’ I had seen. It’s surprising how much a lack of proper UI can make a site go from a 2022 professional business site to a 2008 fan site.
Showing off
I tried to make some bold and italicized text in my About Me section, but the site bug made it impossible for the link redirects to work. Headers worked on the home page but subheaders did not. A notebook post making use of the Python “print” command was created as well, but the same issue with the About Me page existed.
The Solution
Two words: Thanos snap.
Well, more accurately, none of my previous repository history had been deleted, but I did have to start the fastpages creation process from scration.
There’s a reason I called it a Thanos snap, though: the fastpages issues were competely separate from the rest of the work I had put into downloading the tools. This means that only the time I had put into the initial drew2 fastpages setup was a waste. That time was very quickly made up; setup took noticeably longer.
Now, everything looks perfect. Turns out the problem was, as implied earlier, pertaining to the unresolved pull request from the very beginning. An unresolvable issue was found in one of the Jupyter files (still not sure exacly what the deal was with that) but it doesn’t matter now, this site is pure and new and is brimming with potential.
Why not bring over the previous progress to this new site?
That would be because my old edits were mostly cries for help to the github gods to fix my broken website. It would be a little bit strange to have that on a perfectly sound, as-intended site.
Plus, with just this content, I already have a lot more done. I have a lot more progress to talk about and a lot of hindsight to document. Might as well start documentation from scratch along with the site.
It looks like we’ll expand upon our knowledge of Python this week. I’m exicted to use it to do funny things.
I’d really like to use a random number generator to make a page on my website which is different every time you load it. I’m not exactly sure how yet, but I’m sure it’s possible. Why not boost my aspirations?