
Due to prior commitments, I was only able to stay until around 6:45 when we were called at 6, so I didn’t get to see a lot of the following periods’ projects. However, while I was there, I was able to look at plenty of our periods’ projects and reflect on their functionality. We also got some valuable feedback that I discuss below.

Our Presentation

When we presented Cafe Gato to the people at the event, we received a lot of valuable feedback. I made sure to note it before we presented our full stack the following day.

The people we saw enjoyed the events page, but some were a bit frustrated by how unclear the open hours could be at times. It probably would have been best to list the hours on the events page rather than giving them their own page. Otherwise, they seemed to enjoy the freedom that the events database gave them.

The Wordle game was a hit because people recognized it and enjoyed it. Having it be unlimited made people want to stay for a while to play it. The RPG was similarly popular, but harder to recognize as a familiar type of game. People enjoyed the freedom it provided you in terms of what you can do before fighting the boss, but some people commented that which terms could be typed in for various actions weren’t completely clear.

The reviews database was also popular because Tanisha gave them the goal of raising the average star rating above 4.0. This made people more inclined to test the functionality of the system. The only issue that came up was that the numerical rating wasn’t properly bounded between 1 and 5, so someone was able to come buy and mess up the rating temporarily.

Group picture

Other Groups

During and after our period to present, we all took turns going around to various other projects and seeing their functions. We were pretty impressed by what we saw.

What's in Your Fridge?
We thought this program was really insightful and helpful for people looking to improve their diet.
We were very impressed by the functionality and frontend styling of this site. It seemed to have a wide range of uses for academic students.
Guess the Country
We spent some time playing this game. Aside from some strange functionality with countries that had long names ("Congo, the Dominican Republic of" was a bit hard to guess due to the formatting), it was kind of addictive and really tested our knowledge.
Car Website
This site made me wish I was more interested in cars. I'm sure someone who really knew a lot about them would enjoy it a lot.
Movie Chat
Luke's "Movie Chat" was the most charming dysfunctional program I ever gosh darn seen in my life. I left a recommendation for the new Puss in Boots movie.

It was hard to get to everyone because it was very crowded, but overall, the output was impressive. We kept saying things like “What if we had done ___ instead?” or “I kind of which we had done something like that…”

Other Classes

Here’s a funny little FNAF 3D art piece.

Uh oh
I really liked this octopus for some reason. Aliya agrees.