
I had the chance to look at more code projects from our period and art projects from the various other art classes this time, many of which inspired me and informed potential future projects. I went over my experience below.

Our Presentation

Our group’s performance was fairly impressive. Having four different games and being positioned right near the outside entrance definitely helps.

I noticed that we received the most interest for our Uno simulation, which made me proud since it was mostly my work. People also liked the memory game a lot. I think the fact that the leaderboard was based on timing made it a bit more interesting than the streak games, which are based primarily on luck and people don’t have as much time to devote when they’re going to look at multiple products.

War was the least popular, probably because the gameplay isn’t as interesting when it’s simulated virtually. Part of what makes it fun is playing it with another person and reacting to the cards being drawn. When there’s no feeling of cards being drawn and no time taken to compare, it doesn’t have the same satisfying feeling to play. It was also the number of cards that made a style of gameplay that was spamming the draw button the most popular. We discussed making the hands only 30 cards, but we decided not to just before N@tM. I definitely regret not quickly implenmenting that change; it would be a matter of changing like one variable.

Click here for the interaction video. You already watched it, but in case you want to see it again, you can.

Other Groups

I saw lots of cool projects this tri that really felt like a step up from before. A lot of them really inspired me to look into possible projects in the future. Check out some images below with captions of my reactions.

Mario Game

This one made me kind of want to make my own platformer game (partially so that I could try to make the controls more satisfying). It wqs fun to talk to them about how they handled moving the background/obstacles with player directional input and not the character itself.

Aiden and Escape Room

This group’s site was really packed but one thing it definitely made me want to do is explore 3JS. I had been talking with him and seeing prototypes throughout the creation and it just seems so interesting. Definitely things to look out for in the future related to it.

Custom Code Possibilities

This one kind of blew my mind, partially because it’s another example of something that has always impressed me, a system that allows users to modify the functionality of something within set bounds even code-wise. I was shocked that it was possible for students to do that as a school project, but upon talking to them about it, it seems very doable. Possible feature of a future project…

The Opps

I just really liked the way this one was implemented. There were a lot of sites that made some pretty easy-to-use elements but this one I felt did a good job juggling its features.

In the end, it did what Night at the Museum always does to my brain. I kept thinking about “what if we did ___ instead?” the whole time, not regretfully but kind of ambitiously. I’d love to take on some of those things in the future.

Other Classes

I had some time to look at ceramics and drawing & painting before I left. Here are a few pieces I really liked.

Bria Sculptures
Sculptures by the famous coder and theatre tech Bria Gilliam.
It reminded me of Rapunzel. Kendall really wanted me to take a picture for my blog.
Lots of Faces
When I tried to be an artist a long time ago, faces were hard for me. The colors, anatomy and art style really impressed me.
Lots of Faces
I can't escape Mario. I've always liked the look of Bowser's shell though, for real. That one's pretty cool.
Lots of Faces
I can't imagine being able to draw a hand that well.

It has been really awesome to see the progression in both the arts classes and the computer science classes throughout the year.