
Results: 66/66
I got 66/66.

I got 66/66. This would have been the easiest test so far if it weren’t for the length. I was positive the burnout from the duration would make me slip and miss a few, but I’m happy to say I got 100%.

Problems I Struggled With

I didn’t struggle too hard on any particular question, but it’s important to go over the questions that may trip me up on the real test.

Question 9

Question 9
Incremental was clear, but iterative? What's are they iterating?

I figured this had to be the correct answer because incremental work would result in finding errors more easily, but the “iterative” part threw me off. Very little to say other than that.

Question 42

Question 42
Math suddenly broke.

This really isn’t a difficult question, but I forgot how exponents worked for a moment and almost picked the wrong answer. Since 32 and 128 are both powers of 2, mentions of 32-bit and 128-bit numbers registered in my head as 25 and 27. That difference of a power of 2 for some reason made me think 24 could be the multiple difference.

After that, the nature of bits clicked and I figured out the question.

Question 45

Question 27
Logic gates trip me up sometimes.

The double negative, like in MCQ 4, tripped me up for a second. I was actually going to go with this answer until I ran the test of making P “True” and Q “False,” and then noticing that it should only be “False” if both variables are “True.”

Overall Reflection

Here are some things that the test let me know I should study further:

  • Review concepts of collaborative programming and structures of programming work like what is tested in Question 9
  • Review binary one more time, just to make sure the mechanics of the powers of 2 are clear
  • Look at logic gates, I’m realizing now that they’re are a fairly consistent weak point