
Results: 67/67
I got 67/67.

I got 67/67. Like the last quiz, I’m surprised I didn’t make a small, stupid mistake anywhere. I was very burned out very early on but I carried on through it and showed some pretty consistent results.

Problems I Struggled With

I didn’t struggle too hard on any particular question, but it’s important to go over the questions that may trip me up on the real test.

Question 14

Question 14
They didn't write this in code because they hate people

In theory, this isn’t a hard program to describe or specify how to make, but the fact that everything was written out in text rather than in functional code made it so much harder to understand. I had to reread it at least three times to understand the circumstances I was working with.

That said, the problem wasn’t conceptually difficult. It was just very difficult to read.

Question 20

Question 20 Setup
The scaling of the axes is incredibly unintuitive.

Like Question 14, this wasn’t a difficult question in terms of concepts. It was basic graph reading. What made me struggle with this, which hinged on the graphics above, is that it was incredibly hard to compare the right and left graphs initially. They were both measured in millions, but the y-axis unit indicators were offset from each other.

I figured it out because, eventually, the changing units and magnitude jumps shifted parallel to each other. It was nice that I could just look at the difference between the gigabyte number and the user number to identify the ratio of 10 GB per person.

Question 20 Content
I figured it out in not too long.

Question 45

Question 40
I don't remember about certificate authority.

This is one that I looked up after putting my answer to double check. I thought I remembered certificate authorities relating to validating and verifying public keys but I couldn’t quite remember. This was the only response that made sense to me in context but I still wasn’t completely confident.

Overall Reflection

Here are some things that the test let me know I should study further:

  • Look over the concepts of Big Idea 5 like certificate authority. There are clearly some conceptual stuff that flew over my head initially.
  • Review the below topics just to be completely sure:
    • Internet layers (look at your own diagrams buddy)
    • Binary bit values and possible decimal numbers to represent
    • Open source/copyright information