Code Monkeys’ Presentation

Varalu (Classes, 2022)

  • He goes over creating a Book class with constructors.
  • He extended it in a Textbook class and accurately used @Override to override the parent class’s aspects.
  • This is useful from when creating a class with a few attributes that differ from the parent
  • He implements methods smoothly and adds extra methods to show understanding (price getting, etc.).
  • He reflects on the subject matter of the question and shows understanding of super and other Object-based operations and methods. He shows clear understanding of his subject.
  • He also shows strong understanding of public and private scope.

Earns 0.95.

Iman (Methods and Control Structures, 2022)

  • He had to make score analysis functions for a theoretical video game.
    • Takes into account that levels can only be accessed by scoring in the previous with nested conditionals
  • He shows understanding of using nested if statements that make certain condition checks exclusive to certain previous conditions are met.
  • He created additional methods to demonstrate functionality with a custom scoreDisplay method and proof in the game’s main class. The addition of these functions for checking shows some additional effort.

Earns 0.93.

Haseeb (Array/ArrayList, 2022)

  • He clarifies certain College Board rubric points beforehand that show consideration of the conditions before making code. He did not make the code work in runtime (slash slash slash).
  • His question talked about a movie review site with 5-point review scale. He understood the assignment to average out the movie review scores. He goes into great detail about very basic concepts like Java for loops.
  • He shows understanding of iterating through Arrays and manipulating/analyzing an array of data.

Earns 0.92

(Classes, 2016)

It looks like the young mister’s code was not fully committed by the time of the presentation (slash slash slash). Had to be postponed.

  • He had to create a guessing game for guessing a word, differentiating between capitalization and length
  • The class contains constructor and methods, plus a private header
  • CB wants to see class initiations; note that
  • StringBuilder() - build/concatenate strings more easily
  • Get the basics done first (constructors and variables) before moving on to the complicated content

Earns 0.88.

Tirth (2D Arrays, 2022)

  • Goes over repopulation within an array framework
  • Clearly expresses expectations of the given problem by College Board
  • Lots of detail for little bits of code
  • He shows formatting of data for test cases, shows impressive consideration
  • He did Python for some reason

Earns 0.95.

Overall Feedback

  • Less details about small parts of code are needed
  • I loved the emphasis on key takeaways
  • Multiple group members needed to be more prepared to present; this came off as very unprofessional